Do you want more leads from LinkedIn?

LinkedIn Services

LinkedIn is a great platform to grow your brand and your business!

I have services that will strengthen you LinkedIn presence, get you leads, and grow your sales!

LinkedIn Profile Audit

- Get a personalized and in-depth review of your LinkedIn profile. 
- Acquire pro-tips on how to use features more effectively.
- Learn solutions and strategies on how to improve your LinkedIn profile and use it to boost your visibility, grow a powerful network, generate more leads and ultimately, get more sales.
What will be reviewed?
Top Fold (URL, Banner, Profile Photo, Headline, Providing Services, Cover Story, and Name Pronunciation)
Main Body (About, Featured, Activity, Experience, Education, Licenses & Certifications, and Volunteer Experience)
Social Proofs (Skills & Endorsements, and Recommendations)
Bottom Fold (Accomplishments and Interests)
Keywords and whether it is properly optimized
Side features

LinkedIn Profile Writing

- This is perfect after your profile has been reviewed.
- Have your LinkedIn profile written and optimized according to brand and how you want your target audience to see you!
- Have every section of your LinkedIn profile effectively optimize to give you more visibility, generate more leads, and get you more paying clients!
What will you receive?
Well-optimized sections of your LinkedIn Profile
Attracting and lead-generating About Section
Organized and easy-to-read Experience and Education Section
High quality media for your banner, profile picture, featured section, etc.
Scripts on what to say on your cover story and name pronunciation feature

LinkedIn Content Writing

- Have a concrete content plan and strategy every month!
- Be relieved of stress from thinking of content ideas, and actually creating the content
- Get content ideas that will boost your engagement and drive traffic to your profile and even your landing pages.
- Have ready to post content, caption, and call-to-actions that are according to your brand 
- Strengthen your LinkedIn presence through valuable content that will grow your network, get you more leads, and even convert these leads into paying clients.
What will you receive?
One month content strategy plan
Content ideas in various types
Engaging long-form captions
Effective call-to-actions
High quality content media
Well-optimized articles that have at least 2500 words
Valuable LinkedIn Pulse Article ideas
Keywords that will help boost your content's visibility
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