New to LinkedIn content creation? I have 5 Myths about LinkedIn Content Creation that can help you assess your content.
1️⃣ More is better.
Consistency is good.
But only in quality.
Posting content numerous times every day isn't necessary.
What's important is the QUALITY.
2️⃣ Purely text-based content is enough
Although text-based content works really well on LinkedIn, it doesn't mean you must only post text-based posts.
You need to give your audience/followers a variety of content.
You can share images, videos, slide decks, etc.
Having a variety is good.
3️⃣ Super long pieces of content is a necessity
Shorter pieces of content like one-liner posts or just a quote are convenient for both you and your audience/followers.
They are easier to make and read.
Most LinkedIn users appreciate it when your content is short but full of value.
If you post longer content, make sure to form short sentences with spacing that will make it easier to read.
4️⃣ All content should be centered around business
You don't want to sound too salesy to those who see your profile.
It is best if you give more variety.
You can motivate them with a quote, entertain them with a video or photo or just share a little something about yourself.
5️⃣ Copying someone else's strategy will produce the same results
It is great to study other's content and try their strategy.
But you have to know that the effect might be different for you.
At the end of the day, listening to your audience will give you an insight into what strategy will work for you.