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Some aspects of marketing are changing. And, it is important to keep up with these changes.

  • Generation Alpha

They are the consumers of tomorrow.

According to Mark McCrindle (researcher who confined the name for the generation born between 2010 and 2025)…

They will be…
✅The most formally educated generation ever
✅ The most technology-supplied generation ever, and
✅ The globally the wealthiest generation ever

They are the generation with the most digital literacy, high expectations for gamification, shorter attention spans, and who knows what else.

  • The 4Es

4 Es are:

✅ Engagement
✅ Experience
✅ Exclusivity, and
✅ Emotion

People don’t buy products.

They buy experiences and emotions

Emotional branding is what makes a business stand out.

  • New Apps

If you want to stay on top of things you need to adapt to

✅ New technologies
✅ New apps
✅ New platforms

Follow what's new and they will bring you measurable results.

Change is the only constant thing in the world.

And these are pretty interesting changes, if I may say.

What we do now depends on how we are going to act around these changes.

What are you looking forward to the most in the future of marketing?

Comment your thoughts below.

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