Do you want more leads from LinkedIn?

Set the Tone on your LinkedIn Stories

Your calendar has been booked and you are on the call with a prospect explaining to them your program.

When you tell them your fees, they say, "Thank you, but I can't afford it".

Wouldn't that be a waste of your time?

Here is a simple way to ensure you are only talking with those that have the money to buy your services:

"Pre-Qualify your leads before your call"

I always ask them about their budget before they book a call with me. (see image)

If they can't spend $2000 at a minimum, my form clearly tells them to not book this call, this program is not for them.

There are 2 things that happen with this qualification question:

1. My calendar only has qualified leads
2. The price objection is minimized as they know beforehand the minimum fees I charge for my services.

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